Are Your Important Documents Secured?

Bangalore: You have probably bought insurance to support your family after you are gone. How much thought have you put towards taking care of the minor issues that may crop up before the benefits you have planned actually reach your family? It is smart to prepare for that day and do all you can to reduce the distress and chaos your family might go through. The Economic Times has brought to light ten such important documents to keep handy for your family when you pass on.

1. Primary Documents

Having your ID cards around will be useful when your family needs to file for certain benefits or proceed with transfers to nominees.

It is also safe to create scanned colour copies and store them online, like say in the cloud or your email. Every little iota of effort in this regard will count.

Here's a checklist: PAN Card, Voter’s ID, Ration Card, Aadhar UID, Passport, Birth and Marriage certificates.

2. Other Investments

Your investments in mutual funds, post office accounts, local chit funds, a friend's company, Govt Bonds and savings certificates, network marketing business etc should be clearly listed including all relevant details and ownership pattern.